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Microsoft 98-388 Practice Test Questions, Microsoft 98-388 Exam Dumps

Passing the IT Certification Exams can be Tough, but with the right exam prep materials, that can be solved. ExamLabs providers 100% Real and updated Microsoft Java 98-388 exam dumps, practice test questions and answers which can make you equipped with the right knowledge required to pass the exams. Our Microsoft 98-388 exam dumps, practice test questions and answers, are reviewed constantly by IT Experts to Ensure their Validity and help you pass without putting in hundreds and hours of studying.

The Microsoft 98-388 exam measures the knowledge and foundational skills of the applicants in Java, object-oriented programming, flow control, as well as data types, expressions & variables. Those individuals who pass this test will be awarded the MTA: Introduction to Programming Using Java certification.

The target audience for Microsoft 98-388 is those professionals who hold the position of an Application Developer working with Java 6 SE or the later versions. This exam is also designed for the entry-level software developers and immediate post-secondary & secondary software development students. It is recommended that the potential candidates have practical experience or a minimum of 150 hours in instruction on Java and know its capabilities and features. Besides that, they should understand the process of writing, maintaining, and debugging well-formed & well-documented Java code.

Exam Details

The Microsoft 98-388 exam covers about 40-60 questions and the applicants can expect these items to be in the fill-in-the-blank, performance-based, multiple-choice, active screen, drag and drop, and build list formats. Please note that you will have only 45 minutes to complete the test. Moreover, the candidates will be able to sit for this exam in a variety of languages, including English, Spanish, French, Korean, German, Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese. Thus, they can opt for the appropriate option during the registration process. Scheduling for this certification test can be done with the Pearson VUE or Certiport platforms, depending on the interested individuals. Before registering for the exam, you must pay the fee of $127. After this payment, you can proceed to register for and schedule the date and time of your test. The fee paid for the exam applies to a single sitting only. This means that those professionals who do not achieve the required passing score, which is a minimum of 700 points, must retake the test to earn the associated certificate.

As for the preparation process, the applicants can use the official practice test provided by Microsoft to measure their knowledge of the exam topics. They may also explore other training platforms to find study resources to ensure that they are adequately prepared for Microsoft 98-388.

Exam Topics

The Microsoft 98-388 exam can help the potential candidates demonstrate their expertise in the topics that are presented in its content. That is why you have to be ready to cover all the material, which includes the following objectives:

Understanding Java Fundamentals: 15-20%

  • Describing the usage of main within the Java application – This part requires the knowledge of the signature of main, how to consume instances of your class, and why signature of main is static. The students should also demonstrate their understanding of the command-line arguments;
  • Performing the basic output and input with the usage of standard packages – It includes importing and using the Scanner class as well as the printing statements;
  • Evaluating the scope of variables – This subtopic measures the professionals’ competence in declaring the variables within class, method, or block.

Working with Data Types, Expressions, and Variables: 40-45%

  • Declaring and using the primitive data type variable – It includes the data types, such as byte, int, char, long, short, double, Boolean, and float. It also requires that the candidates know how to recognize when the accuracy is lost and how the primitives vary from wrapper object types (Boolean and Integer). It also covers an understanding of initialization;
  • Evaluating and constructing the code-manipulating strings, such as string literals & class, concatenation, comparisons, length and case, string operators, String.format methods, and initialization. It also requires an understanding of the immutability of strings as well as the skills in converting primitive data types to a string;
  • Evaluating and constructing code that manipulates, develops, and iterates different arrays as well as array lists – This domain validates the test takers’ understanding of the one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays, such as null, initialization, accessing elements, and iterating elements. It also covers the array lists, including removing & adding elements, and traversing lists;
  • Evaluating and constructing code-performing casting, conversion, and parsing – It covers the skills in the implementation of code that casts between primitive data types. It also measures the expertise in converting primitive data types to their object type’s equivalent or parses strings to numbers;
  • Evaluating and constructing the arithmetic expressions, including arithmetic operators, compound assignment operators, assignment, and operator precedence.

Implementing Flow Control: 15-20%

  • Constructing and evaluating code using the branching statements, such as else, if, else if, switch, nesting, single-line vs. block, as well as relational & logical operators;
  • Constructing and evaluating code using the loops, including for, while, for each, do-while, break and continue, nesting, relational, and logical operators.

Performing Object-Oriented Programming: 10-15%

  • Evaluating and constructing class definitions – It covers constructor overloading, constructors, this keyword, one-class-per-java file, and overriding & inheritance at the basic levels;
  • Declaring, accessing, and implementing data within a class – It includes the protected, public, and private, as well as instance & static data members. The learners also have to know how to utilize the static final to develop constants and explain encapsulation;
  • Accessing, declaring, and implementing the methods, such as public, private & protected, return type, method parameters, instance methods, overloading, static methods, return value, and void;
  • Utilizing and instantiating the class objects within a program – This part entails instantiation, null, initialization, access methods, as well as modifying & accessing data members. It also evaluates the students’ understanding of importing classes & packages, as well as their competence in accessing and modifying the static members.

Debugging and Compiling Code: 5-10%

  • Troubleshooting logic errors, runtime errors, and syntax errors – This module includes print statement debugging, analyzing code for a logic error, output from a javac command, evaluating the stack trace, and the console exceptions after the program run;
  • Implementing exception handling – This subject area focuses on the candidates’ understanding of the exception class and its types. They also have to know how to catch finally and display the exception information.

Career Bonuses

The MTA: Introduction to Programming Using Java certification allows the professionals to boost their careers to a higher level. These specialists can opt for different positions with decent salaries, such as a Software Developer, a Mobile Application Developer, a Video Game Designer, a Software Engineer, a Website Developer, a New Product Introduction Engineer, a Senior Java Developer, a Senior Java Software Engineer, and many more. Moreover, the candidates can expect to earn about $150,000 per year, depending on their job role, related tasks, and experience.

Choose ExamLabs to get the latest & updated Microsoft 98-388 practice test questions, exam dumps with verified answers to pass your certification exam. Try our reliable 98-388 exam dumps, practice test questions and answers for your next certification exam. Premium Exam Files, Question and Answers for Microsoft 98-388 are actually exam dumps which help you pass quickly.


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