Stuck with your IT certification exam preparation? ExamLabs is the ultimate solution with Amazon AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner practice test questions, study guide, and a training course, providing a complete package to pass your exam. Saving tons of your precious time, the Amazon AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam dumps and practice test questions and answers will help you pass easily. Use the latest and updated Amazon AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner practice test questions with answers and pass quickly, easily and hassle free!
Nowadays, almost every company and organization uses Cloud services, which is the reason why the Amazon AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certificate is popular among the IT specialists. This certification validates your Cloud expertise and proves that you have a good understanding of the basic architectural principles of AWS Cloud. It is ideal for those who are planning to proceed with any associate- or specialty-level path in the future.
This certification is intended for those individuals who have the skills required for the effective demonstration of the understanding of AWS Cloud. There are no official requirements to fulfill for this foundational-level path, but you will need to pass the Amazon CLF-C01 exam to get this certificate. There are also some recommendations offered by the vendor that will increase your chances of success. Thus, it is advised to have 6 or more months of experience with AWS Cloud. The roles include the sales, technical, purchasing, financial, or managerial sectors. You should also have some basic understanding of the IT services and their use cases on the AWS Cloud platform.
Exam Details
The Amazon CLF-C01 test has 65 questions that you need to deal with. They are presented in the multiple-choice and multiple-response formats and you are required to answer all of them within 90 minutes. The minimum passing score for this exam is 700 points on a scale from 100 to 1000. It is available in Indonesian (Bahasa), English, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese. The fee that you need to pay is $100.
To prepare for Amazon CLF-C01 with great deliberation, you can use the official prep resources. The vendor offers training courses, webinars, and other options for you to enroll for. Thus, you can go for the AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials course that is available in the digital and classroom (in-person or virtual) formats in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. With this 1-day training, you will learn about the basic global infrastructure of AWS Cloud, its six benefits, AWS Well-Architected Framework, core AWS services, and more. You can also use the official whitepapers that cover the details of AWS Pricing, AWS Support Plans, and Amazon AWS Services. There is also the official practice test, which you can take for $20. It is a good opportunity to evaluate your test-taking skills and check how much you have learned. It shows your level of preparedness to help you understand which areas are your weak spots. Thus, you will be able to identify which part needs more of your attention. This training tool is similar to the real exam, so you will be able to see what you should expect during it. This practice test also helps the students understand the structure, type of questions, and whether you are able to cover the whole exam in time or not. You can also purchase the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Study Guide to improve your readiness and make sure you have covered all the details. It is written by Ben Piper and David Clinton and is available on the Amazon Store website.
Exam Topics
Knowing the exam content guarantees that you answer the questions correctly and are able to earn a high score. Therefore, you need to learn all the details and master the topics covered in the test. Thus, to complete Amazon CLF-C01 with flying colors, you need to be prepared for the following domains and their components:
This area covers the details of AWS Cloud as well as its value proposition. To be able to answer the questions, you need to have the skills in identifying the aspects of the AWS Cloud economics and know about different design principles of Cloud architecture.
As for this section, a potential candidate needs to have knowledge of the AWS shared responsibility model as well as the compliance concepts and AWS Cloud security. The skills that will help you in this topic include the ability to identify the AWS access management capabilities and resources for the security support.
The next objective is all about the methods of operating and deploying in AWS Cloud and evaluates your knowledge level of the AWS global infrastructure. It is important to have the skills in identifying the core AWS services and resources for the technology support.
To be able to deal with this part of the test, an applicant should have the skills in comparing and contrasting various pricing models for AWS. You should also be able to recognize different account structures related to AWS billing & pricing. Besides that, it is essential to have the skills in identifying the resources available for the billing support.
Career Opportunities
This foundational-level certification is a good starting point for those individuals who are interested in the Cloud sector and want to enhance their career by becoming a certified specialist. It is a valuable opportunity for you to get a solid background for the attainment of the more advanced skills and knowledge. This means that after including this certificate in your resume, you will be able to ask for a promotion or a salary increment if you are already working in the company, which needs the skills you possess.
Your average income can be about $78,623 per year, depending on your role, the current set of skills, and the possibilities that your company can offer you. As for the positions that you can opt for after getting certified, they include a Cloud Customer Success Manager, an AWS Program Manager, a Cloud Administrator, a Cloud Infrastructure/DevOps Engineer, a Systems Support Engineer, a Cloud Engineer, and even a Cloud Platforms Product Manager.
Amazon AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification exam dumps from ExamLabs make it easier to pass your exam. Verified by IT Experts, the Amazon AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam dumps, practice test questions and answers, study guide and video course is the complete solution to provide you with knowledge and experience required to pass this exam. With 98.4% Pass Rate, you will have nothing to worry about especially when you use Amazon AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner practice test questions & exam dumps to pass.
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