Stuck with your IT certification exam preparation? ExamLabs is the ultimate solution with Amazon AWS DevOps Engineer Professional practice test questions, study guide, and a training course, providing a complete package to pass your exam. Saving tons of your precious time, the Amazon AWS DevOps Engineer Professional exam dumps and practice test questions and answers will help you pass easily. Use the latest and updated Amazon AWS DevOps Engineer Professional practice test questions with answers and pass quickly, easily and hassle free!
The Amazon AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional certificate is the option that can validate the technical expertise of the DevOps specialists to allow them to show their abilities to work with the methodologies and systems on AWS. This certification proves that they know how to deploy metrics, log systems, and monitor on AWS as well as design and manage tools to automate the operational processes. It also validates that you are a skillful professional who know how to implement governance processes, compliance validation, and security controls.
If you want to be one of the potential candidates for this certification path, you need to understand that it has certain requirements to fulfill. Thus, considering the fact that this is a professional-level certificate, you are required to have some prior experience to be able to understand the content covered in the test, which you need to pass. Therefore, it is recommended to have an understanding of the modern development & operations processes as well as methodologies. You should also have some practical experience administering various OS, building highly automated infrastructures, and developing code in one or more high-level programming languages.
Exam Details
To obtain this professional-level certification, you need to complete the Amazon DOP-C01 test. This exam has 75 questions that can be of various types, including multiple choice and multiple response. You will be given 180 minutes to clear all the questions and gain 750 points of the passing score. You can get more if you want to be sure that you will ace your test. Please note that you can choose the language you want to take the exam in, including English, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese. The voucher for registration will cost you $300.
To help you pass the Amazon DOP-C01 test with flying colors, the vendor offers different preparation resources for your usage. Therefore, for example, you can find the training courses that include the information about the exam topics and helpful tips for you to cover them. These courses are available in the digital, video, or classroom formats and are known as Introduction to AWS CloudFormation, AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) Primer, DevOps Engineering on AWS, and Advanced Developing on AWS. With these training options, you will be able to learn about the use cases of DevOps best practices and AWS CloudFormation, architecting for the Cloud-native environments, as well as the core components of AWS CDK.
You can also broaden your technical understanding with the help of the whitepapers that are written by the independent analysts, AWS partners, and AWS team. These materials serve as mini guides that you can use to learn certain details. For this test, you can use the following whitepapers: Infrastructure as Code, Implementing Microservices on AWS, or Running Containerized Microservices on AWS. Besides that, you can register at the Amazon platform and pass the practice test for $40.
Exam Syllabus
In general, it doesn’t matter which training option you choose for your preparation phase, but you need to check if the resources you liked cover the exam topics. If they do, you will be able to get a high score during the actual test. All in all, the materials you use should cover the following domains:
This section evaluates your skills in applying the concepts necessary to automate a CI/CD pipeline, the ones required to automate testing and integrate it, as well as those needed to build artifacts and manage them securely. For this area, you should also know about the ways to implement the source control strategies. It is also important to have knowledge of the deployment and delivery strategies and the ways to implement them with the use of AWS services.
As for this topic, the individuals are required to have knowledge of the deployment services that are based on the deployment needs. It also includes the details of the application and infrastructure deployment models that are based on the business needs. It is essential for the potential candidates to possess the skills in applying the security concepts in the automation of the resource provisioning and the concepts that are required for the systems management using AWS configuration management services and tools. Besides that, they need to know about the ways of implementing the lifecycle hooks on the deployment.
The next domain is all about the ways to set up storage, analysis, and aggregation of the metrics and logs. Therefore, you need to know how to apply the concepts needed to automate event management and monitoring of an environment as well as the ones that are required for auditing, logging, and monitoring of OS, applications, and infrastructures. Also, you need to know about the implementation of various metadata strategies.
To be able to answer the questions from this part, the students need to have the skills in applying the concepts that are needed for the enforcement of the standards (metrics, logging, testing, monitoring, and security). You need to know how to optimize cost through automation as well. The questions will also include the details of the application of the concepts required for the implementation of the governance strategies.
This objective will evaluate one’s skills in troubleshooting the occurring issues, restoring operations, as well as applying the concepts needed to implement automated healing or set up the event-driven automated actions. The learners have to know about the automation of event management and alerting.
The last module covers the details of the proper use of multi-AZ and multi-region architectures. It is important to know how to implement scalability, fault tolerance, and high availability as well as develop the disaster recovery strategies and automate them. It is vital to know how to measure the deployment for points of failure and understand which services based on the business needs are right or not.
Career Prospects
Being a certified specialist with the Amazon AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional certification makes you a valuable employee as it shows all the efforts you went through and your level of knowledge base and skillset. This means that you will be able to ask for a better income or even a new position. Thus, you can become a DevOps Engineer, an AWS DevOps Lead, an AWS Engineer, a Senior Platform Engineer, a Cloud Infrastructure/DevOps Engineer, etc. As for the average salary that you can get, you can expect about $137,724 per year.
Amazon AWS DevOps Engineer Professional certification exam dumps from ExamLabs make it easier to pass your exam. Verified by IT Experts, the Amazon AWS DevOps Engineer Professional exam dumps, practice test questions and answers, study guide and video course is the complete solution to provide you with knowledge and experience required to pass this exam. With 98.4% Pass Rate, you will have nothing to worry about especially when you use Amazon AWS DevOps Engineer Professional practice test questions & exam dumps to pass.
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