MB-900 Premium File
- 80 Questions & Answers
- Last Update: Mar 20, 2025
Stuck with your IT certification exam preparation? ExamLabs is the ultimate solution with Microsoft Certified Dynamics 365 Fundamentals practice test questions, study guide, and a training course, providing a complete package to pass your exam. Saving tons of your precious time, the Microsoft Certified Dynamics 365 Fundamentals exam dumps and practice test questions and answers will help you pass easily. Use the latest and updated Microsoft Certified Dynamics 365 Fundamentals practice test questions with answers and pass quickly, easily and hassle free!
This certification validates the knowledge and skills of the candidates in Microsoft Dynamics, mixed reality, Cloud concepts, artificial intelligence, Dynamics 365 security, Cloud security, and common data service. It also certifies the understanding of the professionals in Dynamics 365 reporting, Cloud deployment, and Dynamics 365 integrations. To get this certificate, you must pass the Microsoft MB-901 exam.
The potential candidates for the Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Fundamentals certification are functional consultants, business users, business owners, and students. These individuals have knowledge of the capability of Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Cloud computing. They also possess the appropriate work experience and general knowledge of the Information Technology environments. There are no official prerequisites for this path, but the applicants should have an understanding of the business scenarios. Their experience in addressing security, legal, and business requirements in IT projects will also be an advantage.
Exam Details
The Microsoft MB-901 exam focuses on the positioning & advantages of adopting Microsoft Dynamics 365. You can register to take this certification test in English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, German, Korean, French, and Spanish. The fee is $99 and the registration process can be done through Pearson VUE and Certiport. There will be about 60 questions to deal with, which should be cleared within 60 minutes. The question types include multiple choice, scenario-based, active screen, best answer, short answer, and so on.
To prepare the candidates for this certification exam, Microsoft offers two options of prep resources: free online training and paid instructor-led training. The free online path, which is known as Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals, covers 15 modules focusing on the topics of Microsoft MB-901. The instructor-led training course with the same name provides the students with a general understanding of Dynamics 365 applications. It focuses on each application and expresses its business values as well as the core functionality of the demo. The course covers Dynamics 365 security and reporting as well as the products and data integrations that are available. In addition to the training courses, the individuals must take some time to work through practice tests to develop their time management skills.
Exam Topics
The Microsoft MB-901 exam evaluates the ability of the candidates to understand the domain of Microsoft Dynamics 365, Power Platform, mixed reality, artificial intelligence, role-based security within Dynamics 365, data management framework, Cloud security, Common Data Service; Cloud deployment; Dynamics 365 integrations. It is important to review the topics on the official website to be sure that you are working with the up-to-date domains. The highlights of the subject areas covered in this certification test are as follows:
Identify the Components of Microsoft Platform for Dynamics 365 (30-35%)
Explain AI & Mixed Reality within Dynamics 365 (10-15%)
Explain Model-Driven Applications (25-30%)
Explain Finance & Operations Apps (25-30%)
Career Opportunities
The individuals with the Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Fundamentals certification can explore numerous career opportunities in diverse industries. It is an entry-level option that can be the perfect springboard to grow a career in the domain of Dynamics 365. Some of the positions that the certified professionals can explore include a Microsoft ETL Developer, a CRM Architect, a PowerApps Developer, a Cloud Systems Administrator, a Microsoft 365 Collaboration Consultant, a Microsoft Azure Administrator, a Cloud Administrator, a Dynamics 365 Project Manager, a Cloud Operations Engineer, a Retail Test Engineer, and a Technical Project Lead, among others. With any of these job roles, you can earn an average of $67,000 per annum.
Microsoft Certified Dynamics 365 Fundamentals certification exam dumps from ExamLabs make it easier to pass your exam. Verified by IT Experts, the Microsoft Certified Dynamics 365 Fundamentals exam dumps, practice test questions and answers, study guide and video course is the complete solution to provide you with knowledge and experience required to pass this exam. With 98.4% Pass Rate, you will have nothing to worry about especially when you use Microsoft Certified Dynamics 365 Fundamentals practice test questions & exam dumps to pass.
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