Stuck with your IT certification exam preparation? ExamLabs is the ultimate solution with Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Manufacturing Functional Consultant Associate practice test questions, study guide, and a training course, providing a complete package to pass your exam. Saving tons of your precious time, the Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Manufacturing Functional Consultant Associate exam dumps and practice test questions and answers will help you pass easily. Use the latest and updated Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Manufacturing Functional Consultant Associate practice test questions with answers and pass quickly, easily and hassle free!
This Microsoft certification is created to verify one’s skills and knowledge of the configuration and implementation of D365 Supply Chain Management in meeting an organization’s need. These skills are very critical resources in any manufacturing company. To obtain this associate-level certificate, the applicants should take two qualifying exams: Microsoft MB-300 and Microsoft MB-320.
The intended candidates for this certificate are those business users or functional consultants who have adequate knowledge of the manufacturing industry standards. They work with the solution architects, developers, project managers, and functional consultants in supply chain, finance, and commerce. This certification does not have any official requirements, but the interested individuals can gain the required experience before pursuing this option with the help of the available prep resources.
Exam Details
Microsoft MB-300 is designed to evaluate the ability and skills of the candidates in using the common functionality & implementation tools, managing Finance & Operations data, as well as configuring security, options, and processes. You can register and take this exam in English or Japanese. Microsoft MB-320 measures the students’ competence in configuring D365 Supply Chain Management, implementing the master planning for a specific production, implementing other features of manufacturing, and managing the manufacturing processes. It can be taken in the English language only.
The question formats to expect in these certification tests include hot area, active screen, best answer, short answer, build list, multiple choice, drag and drop, and others. You can expect about 40-60 questions for each exam that should be completed within 180 minutes with the passing score of 700 points. To register for both the tests, the candidates must pay the fee of $165 per each.
To help you gain mastery of the exam content, Microsoft offers the training resources designed based on the topics that are covered in the tests. There are 10 learning paths that you can explore for free. Each path has detailed modules that cover different domains and components of the certification exams. You can also have robust preparation by opting for the paid courses. Each test has its training course, known as Course MB-300T00 and Course MB-320T00-A. There is also the official practice test that the applicants should use to gain insight into the delivery of the real exam. Additionally, the interested candidates can explore other IT training platforms to find those study materials that will help them achieve success.
Exam Topics
Before starting your preparation, you need to take some time to review the topics of each exam to understand the scope of the content covered in it. Thus, the Microsoft MB-300 test contains the following domains:
Utilize Common Functionality & Implementation Tools (15-20%)
Configure Security, Options, & Processes (30-35%)
Operate Finance & Operations Data (25-30%)
Support and Validate Solutions (15-20%)
The Microsoft MB-320 exam has the following content that you need to learn to succeed in it:
Configure Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management & Manufacturing (35-40%)
Manage Manufacturing Processes (20-25%)
Implement a Master Plan for Production (10-15%)
Implement Other Features of Manufacturing (15-20%)
Career Path
This associate-level certification opens up a variety of career paths and job roles for the successful professionals. Thus, some of the positions that the certified specialists can take up include a D365 Functional Consultant, an ERP Associate, a Senior Supply Chain Consultant, an Advanced Warehouse Functional Consultant, and a Dynamics 365 ERP Functional Solutions Consultant. The average annual salary for these titles is $87,000.
Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Manufacturing Functional Consultant Associate certification exam dumps from ExamLabs make it easier to pass your exam. Verified by IT Experts, the Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Manufacturing Functional Consultant Associate exam dumps, practice test questions and answers, study guide and video course is the complete solution to provide you with knowledge and experience required to pass this exam. With 98.4% Pass Rate, you will have nothing to worry about especially when you use Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Manufacturing Functional Consultant Associate practice test questions & exam dumps to pass.
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