Passing the IT Certification Exams can be Tough, but with the right exam prep materials, that can be solved. ExamLabs providers 100% Real and updated Microsoft 365 MS-100 exam dumps, practice test questions and answers which can make you equipped with the right knowledge required to pass the exams. Our Microsoft MS-100 exam dumps, practice test questions and answers, are reviewed constantly by IT Experts to Ensure their Validity and help you pass without putting in hundreds and hours of studying.
You cannot deny the fact that Microsoft is one of the most notable companies that you can find right now. It doesn’t matter if you are a fresh or well-seasoned IT professional because you can surely benefit from the Microsoft certification program. Its certificates have helped a lot of specialists from around the world and that is why you should bring the Microsoft MS-100 exam under consideration.
Therefore, if you want to obtain the Microsoft 365 Certified: Enterprise Administrator Expert certificate, you will need to take two exams: Microsoft MS-100 and Microsoft MS-101. To start with the first test, you need to make sure that you have some experience with Microsoft 365 and have used it for administrative purposes. This expert-level exam is designed for those individuals who use, manage, evaluate, plan, deploy, and migrate Microsoft 365 services. The candidates for this track should know how to work with DNS, Active Directory, and PowerShell. It is also recommended to earn one of the five associate-level certificates offered on the official webpage.
Exam Details
Anyone who is taking Microsoft MS-100 must answer 40 to 60 questions within 180 minutes. It is fine to say that you will not have a lot of time on your hands. So, if you want to complete the exam on time, you will need to deal with the items quickly. In this situation, you should try to answer the easier questions first so that you have more time for the difficult ones. Please also note that this certification test is available in English and Japanese and costs $165. To register for it, you need to have the account on the Pearson VUE and Microsoft websites. You can find the link to the application form right on the vendor’s webpage.
For those who are ready to proceed with the preparation process and learn the exam topics, there are many resources that they can use to prepare for the Microsoft MS-100 test. You can get the official study materials directly from the Microsoft website. Thus, there is the opportunity to enroll for the instructor-led courses with the help of the Microsoft Partners. You can follow the link on the exam webpage to find a company that offers the training courses in your country. You can also try the free online option presented in 5 learning paths that cover the domains of this test. If you want, you can also utilize other tools, including study guides and mock exams.
Exam Topics
There are various topics included in the Microsoft MS-100 exam and they are the following:
The questions from the first part are dedicated to evaluating the examinees’ knowledge of architecture planning, Microsoft 365 tenant deployment, Microsoft 365 support & tenancy configuration, as well as Microsoft 365 subscription. You should also know about the tenant health management and users & data migration planning. A potential candidate is required to have expertise in integration planning of the on-premises environments, Microsoft 365 environments, and program app updating, authentication design, as well as identity resolution. Besides that, the applicants have to be skilled in maintaining domains, configuring organizational profiles and settings, adding a Microsoft partner, or operating with Microsoft FastTrack. The candidates have to know how to design support and tenant tasks & workload frameworks, assess Microsoft 365 for the companies, update the existing consents to Microsoft 365, and control license attributions. Their understanding of planning and managing service demands is also measured in this domain. Knowing about the ways of configuring & displaying reports (BI, OMS, and Microsoft 365 reporting), scheduling and reviewing security & compliance reports, as well as using metrics is the information that should be in your knowledge base.
This topic requires the applicants’ ability to plan identification strategies, plan and manage identification synchronization with the help of Azure AD & Azure AD Connect, as well as manage roles & Azure AD identities. This means that the students have to possess the knowledge of estimating conditions and resolution for authentication, synchronization, and identity management. Having the relevant skills in implementing directory synchronization with federation services, Azure endpoints, and directory services, as well as designing user positions and allocating the functions for workloads is also important. Additionally, the indviduals have to be able to manage groups, users, access reviews, product licenses, and passwords.
As for this section of the exam, the learners should be able to demonstrate their proficiency in authentication management, secure access planning & implementation, as well as application entrance configuration. They have to be able to plan and perform the authentication process, configure, manage & observe authentication, complete entitlement combinations, perform & maintain qualified access, and more.
This is the last subject area that evaluates the students’ knowledge of Microsoft 365 Apps deployment planning, design for messaging deployments, planning for OneDrive for Business & Microsoft SharePoint Online, as well as planning for Microsoft Teams infrastructure and Microsoft Power Platform integration. They have to be able to maintain Microsoft 365 Apps, project for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise upgrades, connecting & deployment, and plan for Office for the network. Besides that, the test takers should demonstrate their competence in classifying hybrid requirements, maintaining access configurations, as well as managing Microsoft groups, SharePoint site, and tenant environments. It is also important to design Microsoft Teams organizational frameworks & deployment.
Further Career Path
If you are worried about your career, it is recommended that you go for a Microsoft certification. The options this vendor offers are respected all over the world, so when the employers see that you are Microsoft certified, they will try to hire you as soon as possible. So, if you want to get the expert-level skills in the Microsoft 365 domain, you should consider taking the Microsoft MS-100 exam that can lead you to the Microsoft 365 Certified: Enterprise Administrator Expert certificate. This means that you can land a good job with a higher income. The available positions include an IT Support Engineer, an Enterprise Application Engineer, an IT Application Administrator, a Business Systems Administrator, a Knowledge Management Administrator, and a System Administrator. The average salary depends on your job title and can vary from $35,000 to $105,000 per year.
Choose ExamLabs to get the latest & updated Microsoft MS-100 practice test questions, exam dumps with verified answers to pass your certification exam. Try our reliable MS-100 exam dumps, practice test questions and answers for your next certification exam. Premium Exam Files, Question and Answers for Microsoft MS-100 are actually exam dumps which help you pass quickly.
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