Passing the IT Certification Exams can be Tough, but with the right exam prep materials, that can be solved. ExamLabs providers 100% Real and updated Microsoft 365 MS-101 exam dumps, practice test questions and answers which can make you equipped with the right knowledge required to pass the exams. Our Microsoft MS-101 exam dumps, practice test questions and answers, are reviewed constantly by IT Experts to Ensure their Validity and help you pass without putting in hundreds and hours of studying.
The Microsoft certificates have helped many individuals from around the world and they can do the same for you. Becoming Microsoft certified can help you in your career and that is why so many people try to go for these options. If you want to opt for the expert-level track and enhance your skills in the Microsoft 365 domain, you can pursue the Microsoft 365 Certified: Enterprise Administrator Expert certificate. To get it, the applicants need to deal with two exams, which are MS-100 and MS-101. If you passed the first test, you need to know what to do with the second. Thus, it is important to know its details, its content and the potential benefits that await you.
The Microsoft MS-101 exam is designed for those people who know how to work as a Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrator and want to validate their skills. If you are thinking about going for this certification path, you need to ask yourself whether you possess the right skills or not. If you are not experienced enough with Microsoft 365, there is a high chance that you will find this test difficult; especially, if you haven’t passed Microsoft MS-100 yet.
The MS-101 exam is designed for those specialists who possess a solid knowledge of Microsoft 365 workloads and have performed the administration tasks for one or more Microsoft 365 workloads. They include Windows as a Service, Skype for Business, Exchange, and SharePoint. Besides that, you must meet one of the five prerequisite certification options to be eligible for this test. Therefore, please visit the official webpage to know the details.
Exam Details
Each candidate who is taking the Microsoft MS-101 exam will be given 180 minutes, and during this time, they will have to answer 40-60 questions of various types, such as best answer, case studies, build list, repeated answer choices, multiple choice, and others.. Even if you know every single detail of the subject matter, you might have a difficult time answering so many questions within this short period. Therefore, it is advised that you work on your time management skills before you sit for the test. This exam is available in English and Japanese and costs $165. You need to pay this fee during the registration process on Pearson VUE.
Passing Microsoft MS-101 will be easy as long as you are prepared to work hard and use the right materials. All in all, there are many reliable resources that you can use to prepare for this test, including the paid and free courses. Both of these options are extremely useful, so they will do a great job of allowing you to understand all the topics. For example, the paid instructor-led training course can be taken in almost any country and you can also find the Microsoft Partners in yours. These organizations provide all the interested candidates with the high-level knowledge, which is given by the certified experts of the field. Once you are done with the learning of the exam domains, you should take some practice tests to make sure that you have retained all the information.
Exam Topics
You should know the subject areas included in Microsoft MS-101. If you do not have the necessary skills, you may fail the exam without earning any points. In general, you need to study the following domains to pass this test on the first try:
In the first part of the exam, the potential candidates have to demonstrate their skills in planning device management, managing device compliance, enrolling devices, as well as planning for applications & Windows 10 deployment. They have to be good at planning device supervision & Microsoft Endpoint Manager realization, as well as planning for configuration forms and device agreement. Besides that, the test takers should have the ability to explain the upgrade readiness for the Windows 10 OS version with the help of various services. It is vital to have a good understanding of Desktop Analytics, evaluation & expansion of the supplementary Windows 10 Enterprise protection features, planning for the device link to Azure AD & device enrollment, as well as facilitation of device registration. The knowledge of configuring security baselines & device compliance policy as well as creating Microsoft Store for Business is also measured in this domain.
The questions from this subject area validate the applicants’ proficiency in managing safety reports & warnings, planning & performing threat protection with the help of Microsoft Defender, and planning Microsoft Cloud Application Safety. They are required to have an understanding of the estimation & maintenance of Microsoft Office 365 tenant protection with the help of Secure Score, disturbance investigation control, as well as analysis & maintenance of Microsoft 365 & Office 365 security alerts. Moreover, the learners have to be able to design knowledge protection utilizing Cloud App Security, plan methods to manage entree to Cloud apps, plan for applying connectors, and configure Cloud App Security systems. Knowing how to examine & reply to Cloud App Security warnings as well as monitor for unofficial Cloud applications are the skills you need to possess as well. It is also recommended to be skilled in performing Microsoft Defender for Identification and designing Microsoft Defender for Endpoint & Office 365 policies.
This is the last section of the exam content that evaluates how the candidates perform the processes of planning for compliance requirements, performing information assurance, managing information governance, as well as planning & implementing data loss prevention. They need to have the expertise in planning data classification, planning for distribution labeling, restoring damaged content, and designing data detention systems within Microsoft 365. Their skills in planning for auditing & eDiscovery, implementing insider prospect supervision, and designing Content Search resolution are also evaluated in this topic. Also, the individuals have to be able to plan data protection resolution, design & perform label procedures, monitor label analytics & warnings, as well as deploy the Azure Information Protection unified labels clients, and strategy for Windows Information Protection implementation. It is also important to know how to plan, monitor, and configure DLP.
Career Prospects
The Microsoft MS-101 exam is one of the best ways to increase your career prospects and land a well-paid job. Thus, a list of positions for the Microsoft 365 Certified: Enterprise Administrator Expert certificate includes an Enterprise Security Administrator, a Cloud Services Administrator, an End User Support Technician, an Expert GIS Administrator, an Enterprise Applications Administrator, a Business Systems Administrator, an Active Directory Administrator, and other options. The average salary depends on one’s job role and can differ from $65,000 to $130,000 per year.
Choose ExamLabs to get the latest & updated Microsoft MS-101 practice test questions, exam dumps with verified answers to pass your certification exam. Try our reliable MS-101 exam dumps, practice test questions and answers for your next certification exam. Premium Exam Files, Question and Answers for Microsoft MS-101 are actually exam dumps which help you pass quickly.
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