Stuck with your IT certification exam preparation? ExamLabs is the ultimate solution with Microsoft MTA: Networking Fundamentals practice test questions, study guide, and a training course, providing a complete package to pass your exam. Saving tons of your precious time, the Microsoft MTA: Networking Fundamentals exam dumps and practice test questions and answers will help you pass easily. Use the latest and updated Microsoft MTA: Networking Fundamentals practice test questions with answers and pass quickly, easily and hassle free!
For the individuals looking to gain foundational knowledge and build a successful career in the field of IT networking, the MTA: Networking Fundamentals certification is a good place to start. This certificate focuses on different ranges of the foundational technical concepts, evaluates and validates the core technical knowledge of the candidates, and improves their technical credibility. To obtain it, the potential applicants must pass a single exam, which is known as Microsoft 98-366. Although this is a great foundational certification path, it is not a strict prerequisite for any advanced-level options.
The target candidates for this Microsoft certification are the entry-level professionals, students, and instructors looking to gain competence in the domain of networking fundamentals. The certificate does not have any official requirements. However, the individuals must develop their competence in the content of the exam topics before they attempt it. Additionally, the learners should be familiar with the basic networking technologies and concepts. Although it is not a requirement, it is recommended that the candidates have some level of experience with network management tools, Windows Server, DNS, name resolution process, TCP/IP, Windows-based network, as well as network topologies & protocols.
Exam Details
The Microsoft 98-366 exam evaluates the general knowledge of the candidates of the networking concepts as well as technologies. To register for the test, it is required that the individuals pay the fee of $127. For the non-students, scheduling of the exam is done through Pearson VUE, while the students and instructors will be required to schedule it with Certiport. Microsoft 98-366 can be taken in English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, German, French, Italian, Korean, Russian, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, Spanish (Mexico), or Japanese. As for the structure, it is a 60-minute test that consists of about 60 multiple-choice questions. You can also face with other question types, such as active screen, build list, best answer, hot area, drag and drop, etc. The full list of formats can be found on the Microsoft website. To obtain the certificate, you will need to earn 700 or more points out of the overall score of 1000.
To adequately prepare for the Microsoft 98-366 test, the interested candidates should have access to a variety of resources. Microsoft offers one instructor-led training course to equip its students with the required skills and knowledge to achieve the passing score. The official course is Networking & Security Fundamentals or Course 40032-A. This is a 5-day training option designed to prepare and help the individuals develop their understanding of the exam topics. These include Network Infrastructure, Protocols & Services, and Network Hardware. This is a paid course and its details can be found on the certification exam webpage. Apart from the instructor-led training course, Microsoft also offers the official practice test to help the learners evaluate their level of preparedness. Other online training platforms also offer a wide range of tools that the specialists can explore in preparation for their exam.
Exam Topics
The Microsoft 98-366 exam measures the specific technical skills and knowledge areas that you need to know. The main domains of this test are enumerated below:
Understand Network Infrastructure (30-35%)
Understand Network Hardware (20-25%)
Understand Services & Protocols (45-50%)
Career Opportunities
If your goal is to start a successful career in the IT field and move quickly up the career ladder, you will need to develop a competitive edge among the millions of other potential candidates for the available jobs. The MTA: Networking Fundamentals certification will give you this edge and more opportunities. This certificate is a great starting point for those who want to explore a career in the domain of networking, IT infrastructure management, Cloud computing, or cybersecurity. When you get it, you can pursue a variety of job roles. Some of them are a Network Administrator, a Help Desk Technician, a Database Administrator, an IT Security Specialist, a Website Developer, a Network Architect, a System Analyst, and a Software Engineer. The certified individuals can earn an average of $55,000 per annum. With more experience and the advanced-level certifications, they can get more and enjoy a competitive advantage in the industry.
Microsoft MTA: Networking Fundamentals certification exam dumps from ExamLabs make it easier to pass your exam. Verified by IT Experts, the Microsoft MTA: Networking Fundamentals exam dumps, practice test questions and answers, study guide and video course is the complete solution to provide you with knowledge and experience required to pass this exam. With 98.4% Pass Rate, you will have nothing to worry about especially when you use Microsoft MTA: Networking Fundamentals practice test questions & exam dumps to pass.
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